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Discover a domain 39 s current owners and details with our free WHOIS lookup tool Bigdomaindata com WHOIS Lookup Check the latest WHOIS record WHOIS History and domains similar to Bigdomaindata com

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Enter the domain or IP address for which you would like to conduct a Whois lookup in the search box above We will query the appropriate database and provide a recent record

With Whois info you ll be able to check who owns a domain find the domains that are right for you and get one step closer to securing them Information you can find with Whois includes Who or what entity owns or manages a specific domain name Basic contact information about the owner including name phone number and mailing address

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We found a total of 2 historical WHOIS records in 0 082 seconds for carol777 com in our Historical WHOIS Database 1 QUERY TIME 25 Jan 2024 3 22 PM UTC

Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of only active domain names over 269 Million that are currently registered You can fetch the most recent WHOIS record of any domain name through our Current WHOIS API We update WHOIS data of over 5 million domain names every day

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We found a total of 8 historical WHOIS records in 0 102 seconds for nwxs31 com in our Historical WHOIS Database 1 QUERY TIME 2 Jun 2023 4 29 PM UTC

Free WHOIS Lookup Tool Find Domain Name Ownership Data

Our free WHOIS history tool lets you lookup the historical WHOIS records of domain names Track domain ownership and changes over time Try it now

Free WHOIS Database BigDomainData

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This test will return WHOIS registration results for a DOMAIN name Depending on the registrar you can see various information like who is it registered to when it was registered and when it expires where the DNS is hosted and more

Large database of whois information DNS domain names name servers IPs and tools for searching and monitoring domain names

Reverse WHOIS Lookup identifies domains connected with hostile actors cybercriminals or fraud campaigns Expose the digital footprint of an attacker or dangerous group Examine registration patterns to predict emerging threats

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Download the Current WHOIS Database which contains the latest WHOIS record of over 269 Million active domain names that are currently registered

Quickly access domain registration details and verify DNS records with our intuitive WHOIS DNS check tool Ensure your domain 39 s integrity and security within seconds

Containing most recent WHOIS record of all active domains sorted by the registrar where domain was registered BigDomainData is made up of two primary WHOIS databases Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database

Current WHOIS API BigDomainData

Current WHOIS Database 269 Million Active Domains 4500

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Download the largest WHOIS database in the world with over 582 Million domain names and 1 87 Billion Historical WHOIS records API access available

Quickly get ownership info With just a few seconds and a domain name you can easily discover who owns a particular website A WHOIS lookup will provide the registrant 39 s name physical address email and phone number associated with a domain

We found a total of 5 historical WHOIS records in 0 725 seconds for 777ys com in our Historical WHOIS Database 1 QUERY TIME 1 Nov 2016 7 11 PM UTC

Download the Free WHOIS Database which contains WHOIS records from both our Current and Historical WHOIS database

The WHOIS is a publicly available database that contains the contact information for all registered domain names This information includes the registrant 39 s name address email address and phone number

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